This term, I decided to start a Reading Endorsement that way we both are studying at the same time. I'm glad to be able to study together and have very similar things to do while we're at home. We're both going to the same Univesity which an additional plus. It sure makes it easier when we both have the same amount of free time.
Este tetramestre decidí empezar una especialidad en Lecutra para así los dos tener actividades de estudio al mismo tiempo. Estoy contenta de poder estudiar juntos y tener las mismas actividades en la casa. Los dos estamos yendo a la misma Universad lo cual es una ventaja más. Es mucho mejor cuando los dos temenos la misma cantidad de tiempo libre.
5 years ago
That's great! That will really come in handy! I have done some of the courses for the READ Oregon program online. They have been pretty good. I have thought about just going through with all of them since I have already done several, but I am not sure...